Autumn Equinox

This time every year (20 March) we celebrate the seasons changing from Summer into Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere and Winter into Spring in the Northern Hemisphere. The equinox represents the Earth’s annual cycle around the Sun resulting in equal day and equal night. It is a time of change, endings and beginnings. We now start the astrological new year, Happy New Year! We step out of the egoless Pisces season and egocentric Aries season.  For the next month we are being asked to spend our attention on ourselves versus the need for relationship. We need to assess who we are as well as finding the love for ourselves stronger than the need for relationship. Once we can do this we are then ready to share our love with another. You will see where you over-compromise versus where you are too selfish this month.  Its a great time to start something new, plant the seeds for the new astrological year.  Venus is also about to enter Aries on Tuesday therefore you will feel your energy levels increase.  Get your body moving, and put your passion into exciting activities.  Its a time when we want everything to happen quickly and fast therefore practice patience as you are more likely to be accident prone if you are rushing around.  Look to your Natal chart to the house ruled by Aries to get a better idea of where the Sun will be illuminating a call for more independence and passion this month.
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Full Moon in Scorpio


Mercury enters Pisces