Full Moon in Libra

We have a full Moon in Libra on Tuesday 11 April 2017.  Libra is represented by the scalesIMG_3086 therefore this full moon is helping to show us where the scales may be unbalanced in any part of our life but also where there is harmony in our life.  As Libra is an air sign it is great to use this energy for communicating, spending time with like minded souls, your partners and indulging in things that ignite the senses (e.g. massage, yummy food and wine, shopping).  This full moon will also help us all see different perspectives than we usually see - so pay attention to any issues that may need you to take a different perspective.  It will be a great time to debate and ponder ideas - however you may struggle to make concrete decisions under this indecisive influence so better to wait out anything important until after the full moon.  Check your Natal chart to the house ruled by Libra to see where your attention is being bought to under this Full Moon.


Mercury goes retrograde


Mercury enters Taurus