Sweetman Astrology

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Full Moon in Sagittarius

This week we have had Mercury enter Gemini, IMG_3110Venus enter Taurus and Mars enter Cancer - so the energy has definitely shifted in many ways.  We also have Jupiter turn direct the same day as when we have a Full Moon in Sagittarius so the underlying theme to this Full Moon has a lot to do with our relationships as Jupiter (the ruler of Sagittarius) is currently sitting in Libra.  The Full Moon is happening on Saturday 10 June 2017 at 1.10am.  This Full Moon will bring up a lot of dreams/ideals and visions you have always wanted to do.  This is a great time to sit down and do a vision board as your imagination is expanding around this time.  It will bring with it adventurous and optimistic vibes making you want to try new things or go traveling abroad and experience different cultures.  This Sagittarius energy brings with it the need to explore what you truly believe in and how can you follow your own individual truth - as Saturn has been in this sign for the last two years this Full Moon will have you looking at your karmic lessons over this time period - have you been paying attention to your lessons?  The Full Moon will be a good indicator if you have and help to bring new insights to broaden your perspective.  Be careful not to speak too much without thinking as you may end up getting into trouble with things you didn't mean to say or exaggerate the truth.  Watch also for being over optimistic and setting your expectations to high. As it is a fiery Full Moon, passion will run high.  However the flip side to the passionate fiery energy can result in getting angry and snappy with people or dominating your opinion over everyone else.  This Full Moon is making some tense aspects to other planets so if you do feel uncomfortable and anxious during this full moon, do know it will pass.  Remember to look to the house in your chart ruled by Sagittarius, as this is where the Full Moon is bringing your awareness to.