Gemini lunar eclipse

A Lunar Eclipse is when the Earth is in between the Sun and the Moon also in direct alignment. Lunar Eclipses occur when Earth's shadow blocks the sun's light, which otherwise reflects off the moon. There are three types — Total, Partial and Penumbral — with the most dramatic being a total Lunar Eclipse, in which Earth's shadow completely covers the moon.   We will be experiencing a Penumbral Eclipse this time round.  You may feel symptoms of dizziness, ungrounded, over-emotional, headaches, and psychic awareness on a high as we are all ascending - the next month we are experiencing an eclipse season... Highly fated events and situations take place in eclipse seasons. On 30 November 2020 NZT time we have a full moon in Gemini. Gemini rules our logical lower mind as opposed to our higher mind ruled by Sagittarius.  Gemini energy also rules the twins (the dual yin and yang energy that resides within us), our immediate environment, versatility, communication, and restlessness.  Around this full moon, you may be feeling the need to communicate your thoughts a lot more than usual.  This may be either via social media or just needing to physically talk a lot (watch for snappy remarks).  Thoughts and ideas will be flooding in which may make you feel a bit scattered as you will notice yourself starting one project and moving onto another before finishing the first one!  This energy is best used to get errands done and standing up for yourself.  Typical Gemini energy makes us analyze our feelings, so bear in mind to stop yourself over-analyzing your feelings. When we have a Gemini full moon it is always a time to stop and watch how your inner dialogue and thoughts are programmed - if they are not good then it is time to upgrade to better mindful techniques.   Look to your Natal chart and the house ruled by Gemini to get a better idea of how this full moon will be affecting you or book a reading with me to find out more.


Mercury enters Sagittarius


Sun enters Sagittarius