Mars enters Aries

Mars enters Aries (which is its home sign) on Saturday 28 January 2017.  As it enters here IMG_2933on the same day as the New Moon in Aquarius we will all be feeling the surge of energy come in which is great for those who have been feeling tired lately! This will be a great time to get out outside and complete those tasks you have be procrastinating on.  It is a great time to be doing more physical activity however do be careful as you may find yourself be more accident prone due to the impulsive nature Mars has in Aries.  Do watch your temper over the next 6 weeks as you may feel more impatient - it is better to channel your energy into physical things if you find yourself behaving this way.  If this energy is not used properly it stagnates and creates headaches so also watch for this.  It is a great time to dive into new passions/projects however take a bit of time to assess the long term reality as you may find once Mars leaves Aries your energy/passion deflates.  There are super exciting times coming so jump on board to new opportunities quickly as there will definitely be unexpected things coming out of the blue.  Look to your Natal chart and the house ruled by Aries to see where more passion and energy will be surging in.


Venus enters Aries


New Moon in Aquarius