New Moon in Aquarius

We have a New Moon in Aquarius occurring on 12 February at 8.06am NZT.  Take advantage of this energy by tapping into new solutions to old problems, as this influx of energy will allow you to think outside the box.  It is a great time to socialize, discuss ideas, spend time with like-minded people and discuss metaphysical things such as astrology!! People around this time generally feel open-minded to different ideas and unusual subjects.  I suggest you embrace this New Moon energy by not making too many plans and allow for the unpredictable, as this is where the magic lies.  We are being asked to live in the moment and let life take its unpredictable course.  By letting this happen more synchronistic situations and people will make their way into your life.  If new opportunities come out of the blue I suggest you pay attention to them.  We have 6 planets in Aquarius at the time of this New Moon, WOW...that is major. We are all continuing to move to the next step in our evolutionary path.  As Uranus and Mars are still over in Taurus squaring all of this Aquarian energy there will be some tense feelings of what needs to change or insights into how you can change situations.  Its not exactly easy energy to deal with, but there will be some good stuff coming in. Check your Natal chart and the house ruled by Aquarius to see where fresh new energy is being ignited.


Sun in Pisces


Venus enters Aquarius