New Moon in Aries
We have a New Moon in Aries occurring on 5 April 2019 NZT 8.50pm. This is a great time to set your intentions for the astrological year ahead. Its a time of beginnings as Aries rules the start of the astrological cycle for the next 12 months. You will notice yourself this month have the energy, fire and inspiration to tackle tasks and implement new projects. Mars the planet that rules Aries is sitting in Gemini, therefore we are all full of creative ideas - so listen to what's coming to mind this month. It is a great time to initiate change or take up something new. It is a great time to rid yourself of old beliefs that are no longer resonating with your life. Spend time with yourself and listen to your gut. It is the time to act on impulse and plant the seeds for your ideas. Take advantage of the inspiration and abundance of energy this month. There is a 'square' over to Saturn around this New Moon. If you are feeling restricted around your plans/ideas, know that they may need more refining. Saturn will make it very obvious if there is no real foundation to your ideas as you will find it near impossible to carry them through. However, if you find challenges and pass the test, then you will know your ideas/plans have the stamina to carry through. It's a great time to also get active and burn off any extra rage or frustration. This will help to avoid unnecessary arguments, as this energy can make us feel a bit short tempered if we are not directing our energy constructively. Feel free to reach out if you need some