New Moon in Cancer

On Thursday 16 July 2015 we have a New Moon in Cancer.  For all of us this a fresh start in creating the best possible environment for yourself to feel secure and comfortable.  Over the past couple of weeks you would have noticed your feelings a lot11043094_930414546992589_155610013738205592_n more as well as what nurtures you and what doesn't... all due to your feelings.  We all need a life full of friends who nurture us and bring out positive emotions and jobs that allow us to express our passions and true self and food that nourishes us for the better.  This New Moon is encouraging you to let go of any relationship, job, or thought pattern that does not serve you for your own good.  Trust that if a friendship ends or a job ends suddenly, it is happening for a reason. Whatever it maybe, it is not serving your evolution anymore for where you are at in your journey at this point and time.  I encourage you to be honest with what drains you and what enriches you, and let go whatever it is that is affecting you emotionally for the worse.


Sun moves into Leo


Creating the mood to talk