New Moon in Capricorn

We start the year off with many major astrological events occurring including a NewMoon in Capricorn.  This is occurring on 13 January 2021 at 6pm NZT.  A New Moon is always the starting point for the next months events, and foretells what topics we will be focusing on. For the collective, this New Moon is bringing with it a serious and deep tone in making us all look where we are striving to get too in our long term vision and our long term career.  What changes need to be made in order to get you on your path?  This also applies to your spiritual path, are you following your inner guidance to allow yourself to evolve?  I suggest to use this New Moon energy to set yourself short term and long term goals for how you are going to achieve your vision.  What structures need to be formed to set the foundation for your plans to manifest.  This New Moon is sitting with bad boy Pluto, which indicates some deep and cut throat changes need to occur. It will be an interesting month ahead, as Pluto is showing us some deep truths about power on a global level and where there needs to be some big changes in the political sphere. It also brings in the Saturn and Mars square which indicates ego conflicts and frustrating roadblocks. Saturn square Uranus is also already at play and will become exact later in February.  However we are already feeling the effects of this tension - needed and sudden change is coming in whether we want it or not.  For a better idea where this New Moon is playing out in your chart, look to the house ruled by Capricorn.


Sun enters Aquarius


Mercury enters Aquarius