New Moon in Sagittarius
This week we have a new Moon brewing in Sagittarius on Friday 11 December 2015 NZT. A new Moon is always a great time to set yourself new intentions and goals for the next month or even the next year. This particular new Moon is a great Moon to set yourself goals for studying, travelling or dreaming up new visions for your future. It is exceptionally great for reestablishing new beliefs and perceptions. It is a good time to learn from other cultures and others points of views. For a better understanding where you are being given fresh energy to reboot, look to your Natal chart and the house ruled by Sagitarrius to gain a better idea of how you should also use this energy to your advantage. The way forward right now in your life may not be very clear but the key in moving forward into the unknown is really believing in yourself and using your perceptions to stay positive. This New Moon will hopefully give you this energy as a guide :)