New Moon in Virgo Solar Eclipse

We have a New Moon in Virgo and solar eclipse occurring on Sunday 13 September 2015.   A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon is in bimageetween the Sun and the Earth in direct alignment.  This will always be at the time of the New Moon.  We have New Moons every month but Solar eclipses occur approximately 6 months apart.  The solar eclipse is the focal point of change indicating the main thrust of movement.  Usually you can feel the eclipse effects as soon as one month before it occurs or one month after it occurs. Eclipses really do create milestones in our lives or obvious changing points on our path.  This Virgo solar eclipse collectively is asking us to start a new chapter in our life when it comes to diet/health, exercise, routine, job and how we are being of service.  Leading up to eclipses it is a great idea to purge anything from your life that no longer serves you, whether that is people, thoughts, bad habits, jobs etc.  Look to your Natal chart to the house ruled by Virgo to see where the solar eclipse is rebooting your life.


Mercury retrograde happening in libra


Super Full Moon in Pisces