Sweetman Astrology

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North Node enters Virgo

On Thursday 12 November 2015 we will have a new moon in Scorpio as well as the nodesIMG_1080 changing signs.  This week there is lots changing and so much to write about...However I have chosen to write about the nodes.  The North Node entering Virgo will change another direction in all of our lives.  The north node represents the karmic destiny we all go through...Whenever the nodes change signs, we then change our course and direction with a new set of lessons to learn.  Collectively this energy shift will make everyone start to be of service more to humanity.  Health and daily routine are going to be highlighted.  Everyone will find themselves wanting to have more sructure and order in their lives.  The opposing energy of the  north node is the south node in pisces.  The south node is where we have past life karma to shed.  The South node moving into Pisces is asking us to transfer our ideals/dreams and turn them into reality.  This also applies to our compassionate nature and using it to help humanity in some way.  You will know when you are projecting south node habits as you will want to escape reality via sex, drugs, alcohol or hiding away or turning into a "victim".  Look to your Natal chart and the house ruled by Virgo to see where the next two years will be focused on with a new change in direction/lessons/karma.