Saturn in Aquarius

Saturn has moved into Aquarius on 21 March 2020 and will stay roughly here for 2.5 years.  Saturn represents time, mortality, commitment, restrictions, stamina, and the long term.  When a big planet like Saturn changes signs, it means a new chapter of the novel begins.  Aquarius rules, innovation, technology, astrology, global consciousness, social circles, internet, humanitarianism, environment, freedom, dreams, science, and the future.  With the current global crisis and the lockdown on the boarders and freedom to travel, this is only the beginning of a new chapter when it comes to restrictions on social interaction and freedom.  Maybe we will see new laws eventuate? We need to be looking at the longterm effects on the environment when it not only comes to traveling excessively but everything we consume and participate in.  Saturn is marking the beginning of us finally making the changes the earth has been sreammmmmmming for, to take responsibility for our actions and what we have done to our environment. Looking back to the last time Saturn was in Aquarius, was the release of the Internet to the world.  We will no doubt see internet use and online life only increase as well as new advances in how we use the internet. We will see an increase in the need for scientific understanding and advances in technology. Humanity is going to realize we really are all one and have to come together and use the resources we have in order to build a new world.  This won't be easy, but it is what needs to be done in order to bring sustainability to mother earth.  We may not see these changes come in so fast, but once we have Jupiter enter Aquarius at the end of the year and they make a square to Uranus at the beginning of 2021, it will bring in more sudden and radical changes to societal structures and help to bring more equality to our community.  We must not sink into fear and do what we are told out of fear, but unite as a community as Saturn is teaching us that it is the voice of the people who will make the best difference to this new world we are trying to build.  When it comes to socializing, we are already restricted from being in large groups and gatherings.  This could create smaller communities or more off-grid living, but we must keep an eye on our community as many social butterflies will feel more isolated.  Some people may have to let go of certain dreams or visions, but remember we are needing to build a world built on sustainability for our future generations, new social structures and incorporating more humanitarianism. If you would like to know more about how Saturn is affecting you over the next few years, feel free to book a reading :)


Mars enters Aquarius


New Moon in Aries