Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius

"Faith is an oasis in the heart which will never be reached by the caravan of thinking" Khalil Gilbran. We have a Solar Eclipse occurring in Sagittarius on 15 December 2020. A Solar Eclipse occurs when the Moon is in between the Sun and the Earth in direct alignment. This will always be at the time of the New Moon.  We have New Moons every month but Solar Eclipses occur approximately 6 months apart.  The Solar Eclipse is the focal point of change indicating the main thrust of the movement.  Usually, you can feel the eclipse effects as soon as one month before it occurs or one month after it occurs. Eclipses really do create milestones in our lives or obvious changing points on our path. This particular New Moon is great to set yourself goals for studying, starting a brand new adventure, or dreaming up new visions for your future.  It is exceptionally great for reestablishing new beliefs and perceptions and ditching outdated and limited belief structures. It is a good time to learn from other cultures and other points of view. Questions are on overdrive, our minds wants to know everything.  Its great energy to push you out of your comfort zone. Venus enters Sagittarius the following day.  Our hearts are soaring for adventure and expression.  We are feeling a skip in our step to follow our own spirit. Happy adventuring in the jolly season.  So many more changes are happening over the coming weeks.  We are transitioning into the Aquarian vibes as Saturn and Jupiter are about to enter here.  Watch this space..For a better understanding of where you are being given fresh energy, look to your Natal chart and the house ruled by Sagittarius.


Jupiter enters Aquarius


Mercury enters Sagittarius