Solstice and Mercury entering Capricorn

Happy Solstice!  This is the time when we have the longest day in the sothern hemisphere and shortest day in the northern hemisphere.  It is an energetic portal for new beginnings and changing of chapters.   This is the time of year when the Sun shifts into Capricorn and our goals becomehighlighted...what are we going to set for the New Year? Where are we heading and what is our purpose? Its all the big questions that come up at this time of year. We usually have some time off work around this time which allows us to really have a good think of what needs to leave and what will stay as we head into the New Year.  What is your vision not only for the year ahead but for the next decade? Capricorn loves to look at the long term plan and put steps in place to achieve that ultimate vision. We have just said goodbye to Saturn and Jupiter in Capricorn, that have hounded us with these questions over the last year in particular.  We have endured sobering times with a lot of hard work.  But those who put in the hard yards will get a reality better than they had dreamed.   Mercury the planet that rules our mind and communication enters Capricorn on the same day. Mercury in this position for the next 3 weeks will bring our communication style to a much more methodical approach and see things a lot more black and white.  The need to compartmentalize and bring structure to how we deal with situations will be strong.  I suggest to use this energy by bringing structure and order into your life as well as planning a future that will pay off as an investment.


Mars enters Taurus


Jupiter enters Aquarius