Super Full Moon in Aries Lunar Eclipse

This is our second out of three Super Full Moon's in a row. A Super Full Moon is extra imagepotent as it makes its closest approach to earth resulting in the largest lunar disk as seen from Earth.  The energies for us on Earth are felt a lot stronger as well, so you can expect the lead up to this Full Moon to be highly emotional. We are also experiencing a lunar eclipse.  A Lunar eclipse is when the Earth is in between the Sun and the Moon also in direct alignment.  The lunar eclipse will always accompany a solar eclipse in the same lunar cycle but a solar eclipse can occur on its own without a lunar eclipse.  Therefore the lunar eclipse is always either 14 days after or before the solar eclipse.  This lunar eclipse happening in Aries is asking us to eliminate baggage and releasing the past.  You may find yourself very emotional around this time as things are cropping up deep from your subconscious.  Collectively we are being asked to look at our individual beliefs and how we relate to our partners.  Are we selfish and not looking to bring balance to our relationships? Are we still living with the same beliefs we had years ago?  Does our identity reflect our soul?  Look to your Natal chart to see where this life changing energy is affecting you.  As this Full Moon is accompanied by Uranus things may happen unexpectedly.  Try not to act too impulsively around this time and wait for the energy to settle before initiating change.


Venus enters Virgo


Spring Equinox as the Sun enters Libra