Sweetman Astrology

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Venus retrograde - occurs every 18 months

Venus in Aries is turning imageretrograde (backwards) on Saturday 4 March 2017.  Venus rules everything to do with love, relationships, money, your talents and values. Venus going retrograde will effect us collectively starting from 4 March 2017 through until April 15 2017.  Common things that will occur over this time frame is she will make you evaluate your love to yourself and values...are you giving so much love and energy to your partners and friends and not enough to yourself?  Are you receiving the same amount of effort back as you put into all of your relationships?  If not, you will see clearly where there is a break down.  After all relationships should be balanced with equal energy and love being put in from both sides.  Our most important relationship is with ourselves so Venus again is asking you to take a good look at how well you love and look after yourself.  Another common theme that occurs over this time period is past lovers appear.  A lot of the time it is to finish off karma.  Other times it is to reconcile but my advice is to wait for Venus to go direct if this is what happens.  The same goes with buying new clothes or valuables.  If you can wait until Venus goes direct again it is encouraged as we often change our minds when Venus goes direct - you may find yourself asking yourself why on earth you bought it!  Venus is heading back over old ground that she has covered already throughout February 2017.  She is dragging us back because maybe there is something we love doing whether it is a passion or idea that we dismissed and it needs to be ignited again.  It is a time to look at what ambition we have ignored.  What house does Aries rule in your Natal chart?  Where is she taking you back too?