All Planets direct
We have all the planets direct which has not been the case in a long time. Take full advantage of the next couple of months to initiate that new project, idea, relationship or a new job. We have a lot of support and forward momentum happening. We are in the lead up to a lunar eclipse in Leo next week, which I will write more on later in the week what this means for us. In the meantime, I wanted to let you know that you could be feeling the energy lead up to this lunar eclipse quite intensely already. Emotions tend to be more of a roller coaster ride as well as events and relationships ending and beginning. Dreams may be more vivid and feelings of disorientation are quite normal in eclipse season. You may find yourself feeling ungrounded, sleep interruptions or high pitched noises. Think of it as a detox that your body is going a shedding process for better things to enter. Make sure you drink plenty of water and spend time in nature to ground yourself. If you are interested in learning more about how you are being affected personally, feel free to reach out for a reading.