Astro weather report

A quick astrology weather update for your Sunday arvo read... We have Mercury sitting next to grumpy old Saturn today. Our thoughts are very serious, doubtful and are looking very deeply into the future. Sometimes this can show in the form of an external authority figure giving you the wake-up call you need to get your plans in order. This is a fast-moving transit, so do not fret if you are feeling like you don't have your life figured out - but use the energy to set a plan or get moving on a plan. Commitment is the key lesson here. We also have Jupiter squaring Neptune which brings about an otherworldly feel. Reality and illusions are a bit confusing at the moment. Your beliefs may be all over the show. Again this will pass over the coming days. Lastly Venus and Mars are coming into a trine over the next few days which is nice. The feminine and masculine parts of ourselves are in harmony, therefore we should see this in our outer relationships. Great time to express your passion and love :)


All Planets direct


Sun Conjunct Pluto